Hi name is Alexis pfropper, I’m a licensed esthetician, PMU artist, owner of ästhetik spa in Florida, and ästhetik skincare
Thank you so much for taking my skin quiz! Now this is not your average buzzfeed quiz where a computer calculates your results, I personally put my eyes on each set of results and individualize each person’s test results to fit them and their skin best. Since it will take me a moment to take a look at yours and send you back a personalized email with my suggestions, for now check out the rest of this video where I explain how skin care works and how it can benefit you.
Something I like to explain to all of my clients is cellular turnover, because when you understand this process that happens in your body, you’ll understand a little bit better how skincare works and benefits you.
Cellular turnover basically describes the constant shedding of dead skin cells and the subsequent replacement of younger cells. Basically we have cells deep within our skin that create more cells, these healthy cells work their way of the layers of the skin and then when they reach the top they become dead skin cells that naturally exfoliates away. That cycle is cellular turnover, and the more often it turns over, and the more healthy cells our body makes, the healthier skin looks. So for example when you look at a baby you think gosh their skin is beautiful right we all want baby soft skin- well their skin is turning over in as little as 3 to 5 days. So you’re constantly looking at new skin, whereas someone in their 80s, that process takes way longer more like a couple of months. Combine the aging process with Sun and environmental damage, dehydration, you’re no longer looking at wrinkle free glowing healthy skin. Now obviously those are two extremes, but basically from the day were born, we start the aging process, and that cellular turnover slows down overtime, so does the production of collagen and elastin, and our skin tends to become more dehydrated and lack the nutrients it needs, sun and environmental damage take its toll to make skin not look it’s best overtime.
So what can we do to speed up that process and give our skin what it needs to stay healthy and youthful? Well working with an aesthetician and getting regular facials is insanely beneficial, I’m only with you one day a month. So that’s where your home care becomes such a big deal. Because every day you can use ingredients designed to nourish your skin, increase your cellular turnover, and help your skin naturally exfoliate. I say this a lot, healthy skin is beautiful skin, so if your skin is made up of healthy cells, and it’s exfoliating properly, all those other little things just sort of come with it, while you’re working on the main goal of healthy skin, you help smooth out the tone and texture of the skin, you help to lighten hyperpigmentation, soften fine lines and wrinkles etc. when you think of it this way, skin care becomes less targeted at one problem, but instead focuses on the entire big picture to help eliminate and prevent multiple signs of aging and damage to the skin.
Huge benefit to that is that you no longer need 30 products all targeted at only one aspect of your skin, you just need to feed your skin a balanced diet of healthy products that nourish, and exfoliate. ästhetik skin care’s was made with these goals in mind. I worked to make products that balance clean, plant-based ingredients with efficacy. That way you get The work done, without all the garbage.
So sit tight, you’re going to get an email from me really soon, and I can’t wait to help you start your skin care journey, reach your goals, and look and feel absolutely beautiful. Thank you