What is Microneedling?
I’m going to let you in on a little secret… come here.. nope closer… microneedling can make wrinkles disappear! (Botox is NOT the only wrinkle eraser!) If you have been following my journey for more than two seconds, you know that if I have the choice, I’m going to choose the most natural option for everything from cleaning products to my spinach. That includes my, and my clients skincare. So I am constantly on the search for products or procedures that don’t involve toxic chemicals or extreme, damage causing procedures.
So today, I want to give you the lowdown about about a tried and true procedure, that when done right, can promote incredible results in your skin: Microneedling. I’m going to break down the science of it, and answer every commonly asked question I can think of.
You’ve probably heard of your body’s metabolism. But did you know your skin has a metabolism too? Skin metabolism allows skin cells to use “cellular cross talk” to communicate with other cells, respond to each other, and perform their job accordingly. Think of it as a mass email going out to all of your skin cells promoting a healthy metabolic rate, and instructing your cells to self-exfoliate, repair damage, and produce collagen and elastin. When all of the cells read their emails and get to work, your skin stays healthy.
However, until we find the fountain of youth, our skin’s metabolism will continue to slow down as we age, and so does collagen and elastin production. This can slow down a lot! 1.5% a year after the age 20. So remember that mass email that was sent out? Well some of those emails are not being received because of a poor network connection. And the cells that produce collagen and elastin that keep skin young and beautiful? They missed the Monday memo.
Good news though! This can be remedied. Microneedling uses a special pen to send multiple, tiny needles down into the skin at an accelerated speed to create micro channels in the epidermis. This creates micro injuries in the skin (a controlled injury) which triggers fibroblasts, the cells responsible for healing your skin, and jump starts collagen and elastic production. Think of those needles as your IT Department coming in to update and reboot the system, so your bodies communication runs smoother. Every cell gets the email, and knows exactly it needs to do to keep you beautiful.
What are the benefits of Microneedling?
- Minimizes fine lines and wrinkles
- Repairs sun damage (thank you sunshine state!)
- Improves dull/ rough looking skin
- Improves acne scarring
- Raises pit scarring
- Tightens loose skin
- Improves skin texture
- Minimizes the appearance of pores
- Evens skin tone
- Lightens hyperpigmentation (brown spots)
- Improves the appearance of stretch marks
- Repairs pigment issues
- Keeps you beautiful!
How often should I microneedle?
For those under the age of 40, 1-3 treatments 4-6 weeks apart is recommended, and for those over the age of 40, 6 treatments 4-6 weeks apart is recommended. Why double for 40+? Remember, we learned earlier that our skin slows down as we age, so it takes longer to trigger that process fully. But every client I’ve ever worked with has seen results after just one session. The end result is similar to botox. Truly an incredible process.
Can I try this at home?
Throughout the history of Microneedling, which dates back to the early 1900’s, technology has advanced from using needles by hand and stamps, to rollers and now automatic pens. Many of these versions are becoming more and more mainstream and available to the general public. I could drive to target right now and pick up a Microneedling roller for about $10, or could order a pen on prime and have it on my doorstep by Friday for $40. That’s a giant price difference between “at home kits” and allowing a professional do it for up to $300 per session. There has to be a difference right? What then?
I’ll pick on the roller first. I remember the very first time I learned of microneedling, I was sitting on my couch with my dog mindlessly scrolling through Instagram, and I stop on a makeup artist using an at home micro needling roller all over her face as a part of her nightly skin care routine. Even then, I was skeptical. Fast forward through my Aesthetics training, and turns out, my fears were valid.
Remember, the goal is to create a controlled injury, so when you use a Microneedling pen, the needles goes into the skin straight up and down, at a controlled speed and depth. When you use a roller, speed and pressure isn’t guaranteed, and those needles roll down into the skin, and scoop their way out, causing tissue damage, and even scarring! Instead of improving your skin, you’re actually damaging it even further. Yikes! Throw that roller in the trash! Your skin with weep with joy.
Ok so the roller’s out of the game, but what about some of the pens I can buy online? Well, I personally wouldn’t touch my skin with them. Medical Microneedling pens, like the SkinStylus that I have, penetrate your skin at an incredibly accelerated rate. I could buy the best at home pen on the market, and I’m not guaranteed the speeds of a medical grade pen. Why does that matter? If I am moving that pen along your skin, and those needles aren’t retracting fast enough, it can actually catch on your skin, creating the wrong kind of injury. Also, don’t forget we’re working with body fluids here.
The pens you see online come in one big piece, and are usually plastic, which you can’t properly disinfect, leaving lots of plastic nooks and crannies for bacteria to grow, risking infection. Even with pens with disposal cartridges, there can be serious cross contamination issues if old fluids are able to leak and come into contact with any bacteria and residue left behind in the device from its last use. Gross! If I have to choose between (A) a professional service, and (B) any at home kit, the answer in A all the way!
Because of the way SkinStylus® Microdevices are made, they can be cleaned and sanitized with the same process as surgical tools, and has a seven step leak resistant design to keep you safe. Protecting yourself from cross contamination and injury is an exceptionally important factor in deciding on how you’ll go about receiving this service. So I highly recommend seeing the professional. Which leads into my next question:
How do I choose the right professional?
As much as I love my beauty community, and the estheticians around me, my clients will always come first, and that means I will always be honest with you, and educate as much as I can. So let’s just be real- not everyone in this industry is taught the same way. I’ve met some that never even practiced Microneedling in school. Let alone master it. So please, I beg of you, for your face’s sake: Ask. Those. Questions. Where did you go to school? How long have you been in the skin care/ health field? How long have you been practicing Microneedling? What method do you use to microneedle? (see previous question).
I want you walking away from this procedure happy and healthy. So look at your surroundings. Look at their overall cleanliness, and their sanitization habits. I don’t care if you’re in a nail salon, or a dermatologist office. Some miss the mark when it comes to cleanliness. If you’re nervous about your procedure, book a basic facial with your professional before you book a microneedling, and get a feel for their overall skills. Any serious professional will respect the questions you have. We love educated clients, and want to help you feel safe and confident in us!
What should I expect from my appointment?
We’ll start off our appointment as you would any session with me, by sitting down for a moment and talking about your skin. A major part of my job, and the main focus in my career is educating my clients. I want you to walk away not only with beautiful skin, but to understand it a bit more too. We will go over your information, and made sure you’re a candidate for microneedling.
If you decide to choose to numb your face, we’ll start with that. Since the lidocaine takes a moment to kick in, you can always book another service while you’re waiting. Book a wax, or microdermabrasion for your anything but your face, i.e. chest, shoulders, arms, or elbows! We can recommend a service when we schedule your appointment.
Don’t worry, you’re not under the needles for too long, and if you opt for the numbing, there’s minimal discomfort. If you opt out of numbing, most clients say it ranges from a “sandpaper feel” to stinging. With each pass, your skin is infused with sterile saline for moisture and hydration, a combination of hyaluronic acid, peptides, collagen, and epidermal growth factor. We literally drown your skin in goodness.
What should I expect post appointment?
Once finished, you may experience some swelling, tightness, burning, and skin sensitivity and some moderate skin peeling for 1-3 days, it should feel like a sunburn. The healing process is different for everyone, but we want to do all that we can to promote healing and prevent any infections by keeping your face clean and safe. For 24 hours, keep your skin free of makeup and other products, and be incredibly careful of your sun exposure. You’ll be given your post care instructions before and again after your appointment.
Give Microneedling A Try Today At asthetik Spa!
Aging can seem scary, but we don’t have to live with the exterior collateral damage of it. You CAN have beautiful and health skin after age 20… age 30… 40, 50, 60- you get the idea. The best part? You don’t have to immediately go under the knife or choose the chemicals to get amazing results. So give Microneedling a try, and discover the incredible results!